Dalene's Book Shelf

I love reading, Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Fantasy, Epic Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Dystopian, Historical Romance, Historical Fiction are my favorites, but I read a very wide variety of genres. My love of reading is like my love of Music, I have favorite genres but like to listen to/read many genres.

Grift by Jason Mosberg

Grift - Jason Mosberg, Rika Drea

GriftGrift by Jason Mosberg
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

First, I would like to thank Jason for giving me a copy of Grift in exchange for a review. I really enjoyed the storyline of this book. I liked how strong the main character Piper is even when she knows wrong is being done to her. I read this book in a day an a half as it kept me thoroughly engrossed in the story. I like the most of the secondary characters as well. I think the book has the potential to become a series, I think that would be nice to find out what happens to Piper and her friends in the future. A guestpost, the review and promo will be on my blog on March 4th, come visit and enter for a chance to win a copy of Grift at Dalene's Book Reviews.

View all my reviews

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1216817311

Opal by Kristina Wojtaszek

Opal - Kristina Wojtaszek

I won and received an autographed copy of this book in a giveway on goodreads. The story goes back and fourth between telling Prince Androws story to the girl princess who has no name as yet because she was an owl turned to her real human self after her mothers death. When she is reunited with her father she gets her name. I liked the fairy tale feel of the book, it is about the fae and human world combined. I am not used to short story reads as of yet but I really enjoyed this book. I look forward to reading more books by Kristina Wojtaszek.